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Drawing 2 session 3 and 4 -Minerals On Boxes???

In sessions 3 and 4 of this more advanced drawing we basically had to choose one of our mineral/rock drawings and transpose the marks exactly scaled up on to our earlier dissected-box perspective drawing. Weird idea really. I suppose the point was to see where the drawing takes you, respond to the drawing itself as it progresses. It wasn't necessarily about the minerals anymore but about the mark-making. But mine early on soon started to look like a prawn on a diving board and then turned into some sort of kitsch fantasy-world which seemed far too cartoony to me and I really didn't want to be associated with that kind of drawing. It was hard to get away from that idea once it came into my head. Tony said I did manage to move it away from kitsch successfully but I think it's just too overwhelmingly much.

If you ask me, session 4 should have gone in a different direction as mine ended up being overworked. I would have preferred to spend the last session learning something actually useful - perhaps a portrait drawing or going outside and drawing architecture. But that is far too literal for this course, it seems.

Progressive photos here:

At one point Tony suggested we used some of our failed prints from the print making sessions - could we cut them up, and use them somehow. I did realise how my prints were very similar in feel to the minerals, the natural forms in the rock have a definite connection to the strange dendritic channels/ map work that I produced in January.

I like these forms and patterns, I am just not sure what to do with them! But why do I have to do anything with them??

My colleagues' work:

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